Safety Equipment
You should see some of the injuries that we’ve seen over the years. We’ve had people seriously burned that had to have skin graphs, surgeries to repair cut tendons/muscles/arteries, broken bones, and some permeant injuries all due to not following safety procedures.
You work with knives, ovens, boiling liquids, heavy equipment, etc. Don’t take any procedure lightly and not wear the protective safety equipment.
Read the full policy below to find out how serious we are about keeping you safe, just click on the icon.
It is mandatory to either wear a metal mesh cut resistant glove, or a Kevlar glove on the hand opposite the hand holding the knife while performing any prep involving a knife. Our most common incidents revolve around cuts. Some really small and some are extremely deep.
All required protective equipment must be worn in accordance with operating procedures. We all must take an active role in ensuring the safety of our fellow employees and provide safe environments for all to work.
Any employee or manager found not adhering to the safety equipment procedures while performing or supervising is in direct violation of our safety policies and will be disciplined up to and including termination.