Benefits- Vacation Time
You work hard and you want to play hard. With our generous vacation policy, everyone earns vacation! It’s kind of like Oprah, you get vacation, you get vacation, we all get vacation! All vacations are subject to supervisor approval.
See below for the tier you fall under:
*Any Tier 3 employee that terminates and gets rehired in the same year will not have their vacation “bucket” refilled until the following January.
Example: Assistant Manager Bob works for us for two years and in 2023 he quits on January 25th. Bob gets all of his unused vacation time paid out (10 days) on his final check. Bob then realizes that Hamra is the best place to work and begs to come back. Bob returns to Hamra as an Assistant Manager on March 10, 2023. Bob will not have any vacation put in his bucket until Jan 1, 2024, because Bob already was paid out all of his 2023 vacation.