Policies – Social Media
It’s plain and simple, nothing said on social media is confidential. If you don’t mind your co-workers, supervisors, guests seeing your posts, then post, unless it is in direct violation of our Harassment Policy, then don’t post because we will have to take action.
To read the entire social media policy please click on the icon below.
Social Media Associate Guidelines
Each day, we build relationships with our customers at our Hamra Enterprises companies (Boston Bread, Chicago Bread, Southern Bread,Wendy’s of Missouri, Wendy’s of New England, SJJ Inns, and Hamra Noodles) through listening and connecting with their needs. With social media, we have an opportunity to extend our relationships through channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Google+, blogs, YouTube and numerous other sites. Many of our customers have engaged with each other as well as with employees who have stepped up to answer their questions and extend hospitality. While social media is a great forum for our customers and employees to communicate openly online, it is important to show the same respect and courtesy that we employ in our face-to-face dealings. As you express your own views, others may view you as a representative of Hamra Enterprises, so it’s important to follow these guidelines:
Use Good Judgment and Think Before You Post
Anything you post on a public site is accessible to anyone with a web browser. The internet is not anonymous, it does not forget, and everything written on the web can be traced back to the original. Accordingly, use good judgment and think about what you want to say and how to say it before you post. When in doubt, ask yourself, “Is this something I would be willing to say directly to my parents, to my manager or to our Hamra Enterprises CEO?”
Our Cultural Values
Your communications regarding our business, its employee, and its guests should be respectful. Your Internet postings should not include information that is profane, vulgar, threatening, or otherwise a violation of any Hamra Enterprises policy. In other words, “No Jerks.” We value the privacy of every employee. You should never disclose personal information about any customer or employee (such as addresses, social security numbers, telephone numbers, bank account or credit card information). You should also never post things that disparage employees, vendors, competitors or other parties affiliated with Hamra Enterprises. You also should not post information about Hamra Enterprises employees without their permission, just as you would not want someone else posting information about you without your permission. As a reminder, photos may only be taken in our facilities with permission from the Marketing department.
Personal Liability
You are legally responsible for your postings, so you need to know that you may be personally liable if your posts are threatening, hateful, obscene, pornographic, vulgar, sexually explicit, defamatory, harassing, or otherwise in violation of law. You may also be liable if you make postings that include confidential or proprietary information. Ensure your postings comply with all trade secret, copyright, privacy, fair use, financial disclosure, and other applicable laws. Violation of this policy, or any other Hamra Enterprises policy, may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. This policy will not be construed or applied in a way that improperly interferes with (A) Employees’ exercise of their rights under the NLRA or any other law, or (B) employees’ legally protected social media discussions regarding wages, hours, or working conditions. If you are unsure about whether or not you can post certain content, please contact your Human Resources Department or the Marketing Department for guidance.
Authorization to speak on behalf of Hamra Enterprises
When speaking about Hamra Enterprises please keep in mind you should only speak to topics within your expertise and transparently disclose your affiliation with Hamra Enterprises. In addition, your postings reflect your personal opinions and may not be the same as Hamra Enterprises. It is important that you make this distinction when posting your point of view. If you are using social media for personal purposes and identifying yourself as an associate of the company, you must be clear that you are speaking for yourself and not on behalf of the company. If a member of the news media or a blogger contacts you about an Internet posting that concerns Hamra Enterprises business or products, do not make any statements and instead please refer that person to your supervisor or the Marketing department.
Hamra Enterprises groups and/or websites
Any community group that utilizes Hamra Enterprises name, its property or its network is subject to this policy. From time to time, Hamra Enterprises Marketing Department may form and manage social media groups or websites that utilize the Hamra Enterprises name. Hamra Enterprises reserves the right to remove any posted comment on Hamra Enterprises’ group site(s) that is not appropriate for the topic discussed, uses inappropriate language or otherwise violates any Hamra Enterprises policy. Participating in any social media activities is purely voluntary, is not subject to compensation, and should not interfere with your work responsibilities. These guidelines are subject to change. If you have any questions about Hamra Enterprises social media policy, please contact your supervisor or Human Resources.